a white logo with a circle in the middle on a white background .


Get Involved!


Home & School Connection will help:

Improve School Success -Foster the home and school partnership -Make learning fun with simple activities

Enhance parenting skills and discipline -Build positive character traits -Strengthen family life

Homework / Deberes

When your children do homework, they reinforce what they learned at school and expand their knowl-edge. But they learn more than the information in their assignments — they also build study skills and habits that they’ll need throughout school and life. Here are ways you can provide support and help your youngsters succeed with their homework.   


Cuando sus hijos hacen los deberes refuerzan lo que aprendieron en la escuela y amplían sus conocimientos. Pero aprenden mucho más que la información de sus tareas: también desarrollan habilidades de estudio y hábitos que ne-cesitarán en la escuela y en la vida. He aquí maneras de apoyar a sus hijos y de ayudarlos a que triunfen con los deberes. 


Reading, Writing, & Math/Lectura, Escritura y Matemáticas

Your child reads, writes, and does math in school every day. What if you could help her do better in all of those subjects by enjoying activities together at home? With this guide, you can! Try these 10 ideas to boost her skills while sharing quality time.


Sus hijos leen, escriben y hacen matemáticas en la escue-la a diario. ¿Y si pudiera ayudarlos a que vayan mejor en esas materias disfrutando con ellos con actividades que hagan en su hogar? ¡Podrán hacerlo con esta guía! Pongan a prueba estas 10 ideas para fortalecer sus destrezas al mismo tiempo que pasan tiempo de calidad con ellos. 


Kindness and Compassion/Bondad y Compasión

Performing simple acts of kindness and compas-sion encourages your child to think of others and makes her feel good about herself — a one-two punch that also helps to prevent bullying. Try these ideas to inspire your youngster to be a kind and compassionate person. 


Realizar sencillos actos de amabilidad y de compa-sión anima a sus hijos a pensar en los demás y les hace sentirse a gusto consigo mismos, dos ventajas que contribuyen además a prevenir el acoso escolar. Ponga a prueba estas ideas para inspirar a sus hijos a ser personas amables y compasivas. 


Build Better Behavior/Desarrolle un mejor comportamiento

Good behavior is a habit all parents can try to instill in their children, but it doesn’t happen over-night. Use patience and the strategies in this guide to help you lay a foundation for good behavior at home and at school. 


El buen comportamiento es un hábito que todos los padres procuran desarrollar en sus hijos, pero no se produce de la noche a la mañana. Tenga paciencia y utilice las estrategias de esta guía para cimentar el buen comportamiento en casa y en la escuela.  


Supporting Your Child’s Education/Apoyando la educación de su hijo

You can help your youngster succeed in school. How? By getting involved in his education. From talking to him about what he’s doing in school to staying in touch with his teacher and attending school events, there are many easy ways to support your child’s learning. Consider these suggestions.  


Usted puede ayudar a sus hijos a que triunfen en sus es-tudios. ¿Cómo? Participando activamente en su educación. Desde hablar con ellos sobre qué hacen en el colegio hasta estar en contacto con sus maestros y asistir a las funciones escolares, hay muchas maneras fáciles de apoyar los estudios de su hijo. Considere estas sugerencias. 


Helpful Links

Texas Gateway

A gateway to the resources you need. For your classroom. For yourself.



TexQuest is a statewide digital resources program that provides anytime, anywhere access to high quality, authoritative digital resources to all educators, students, and students' immediate families in Texas K-12 public schools and open enrollment charter schools. Supported, in part, by appropriations from the Texas State Legislature.


Math Chase

Math Chase contains over 100 Math tests ranging from Reception level to Year 4.


The CTE resource center is a one-stop shop for CTE professional development, instructional materials, and program information. Many new

CTE teachers come from business and industry, and need additional support and resources to be successful in the classroom.


Education Service Center Region 17 (ESC17)



ARTSEDGE — the National Arts and Education Network — supports the placement of the arts at the center of the curriculum and advocates creative use of technology to enhance the K-12 educational experience. ARTSEDGE empowers educators to teach in, through, and about the arts by providing the tools to develop interdisciplinary curricula that fully integrate the arts with other academic subjects. 

ARTSEDGE offers free, standards-based teaching materials for use in and out of the classroom, as well as professional development resources, student materials, and guidelines for arts-based instruction and assessment.


Character Counts

Mission: To improve the ethical quality of society by changing personal and organizational decision making and behavior.


Encyclopedia of Life

Encyclopedia of Life, will include species descriptions, pictures, maps, videos, sound, sightings by amateurs, and links to entire genomes and scientific journal papers. Its first pages of information were shown May 9 in Washington, D.C., where the massive effort was announced by some of the world's leading scientific institutions and universities. The project will take about 10 years to complete.


Libraries of Europe

the logo for spedtex special education information center

Texas Transition and Employment Guide - Educators - Texas Transition

The Texas Transition & Employment Guide to a Successful Life After High School for Students with Disabilities

Resources on Special Education in Texas

Special Education or IEP-Related Questions? Consult SPEDTex, the Texas Special Education Information Center.This is a resource backed by TEA to inform and support parents, teachers, and anyone committed to the success of children with disabilities. 

Parents Right to Know

Dyslexia Handbook

Dyslexia Handbook and Important Changes

English   Spanish

CTE Notice of Nondiscrimination English & Spanish

Updates for Special Education

Compensatory Services

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